Aerospace engineer Ron Barrett-Gonzalez named National Academy of Inventors Fellow
Loral O’Hara becomes fourth Jayhawk astronaut (Opens in new window)
When he opened NASA’s Jan. 10 astronaut candidate graduation ceremony, Administrator Jim Bridenstine introduced the 11 Americans and two Canadians with the unlikeliest of monikers: The Turtles. ...
KU Aerospace Engineering finalizing plans to launch KubeSat (Opens in new window)
A group of KU engineering students expects to launch a small satellite, called a CubeSat, aboard a NASA rocket later this year. CubeSats are tiny “nanosatellites” about the size of a loaf of bread, weighing around 3 pounds, and are launched under a NASA program that offers educational institutions and...
Aerospace engineering professor emeritus receives national recognition for career achievement
LAWRENCE — A longtime University of Kansas professor has been honored with an award to recognize his career achievements in aerospace engineering education. ...
KUAE Alumnus Cathy Downen Leads Gulfstream Certification Team
The linked article details Cathy Downen's excellence in directing Gulfstream's type certification program and celebrates her mentorship and guidance to women in aerospace engineering. KUAE is proud to count her as a Jayhawk. ...
KUbeSat Student Launch Initiative Seeks Your Support
KUbeSat is a student organization participating in NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) to be the first team from Kansas to send a satellite into orbit. ...
KUAE Alumnus Tom Carr Awarded Flight Test Pilot Honor
Tom Carr (BSAE '77), Garmin director of flight operations and chief test pilot, received the Society of Experimental Test Pilot's 2020 Iven C. Kincheloe Award. Carr graduated with his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from University of Kansas. ...
KUAE Student Teams Achieve Three AIAA Design Awards
KUAE student teams won three awards in the 2019-2020 AIAA Design Competition. ...
Three KUAE Alumni Receive AIAA Sustained Service Awards
Three KUAE alumni--Dr. Willem Anemaat, Dr. Vicki Johnson, and Dr. David Levy--have been honored with 2021 AIAA Sustained Service Awards. ...
Dr. Huixuan Wu Earns National Science Foundation Career Award
Five assistant professors at the University of Kansas have each received a prestigious grant designed to help early-career faculty members in STEM disciplines establish a lifetime of leadership in their respective fields. ...
In Memoriam… James A. “Jack” Franklin (BSAE ’61, MSAE ’62)
KUAE mourns the loss of James A. “Jack” Franklin (BSAE ’61, MSAE ’62), a distinguished member of the KU Aerospace Engineering Honor Roll. Jack passed away at home on Jan 22, 2020 from complications of Parkinson’s disease. Jack is survived by his wife, Marie, their children Diana and Chris, and...
H. Ronald Miller (BSAE ’61, MSAE ’62) and Sandra K. Miller Endow Scholarship Fund in Honor of Professor Vincent U. Muirhead (Feb 16, 1919 – April 30, 2019)
There is no set formula for how personal interaction results in a lasting impact, but for H. Ronald Miller (BSAE ’61, MSAE’62) one such impact took root in crossing paths with a new faculty member, who had an interesting idea and a challenging problem. Prof. Vince Muirhead started on the...