Faculty Dr. Mostafa Aghaei JouybariAssistant ProfessorView full profile Dr. Emily J ArnoldAssociate ProfessorGraduate Program DirectorView full profile Dr. Ronald M. Barrett-GonzalezProfessorView full profile Dr. Brina J BlinzlerAssistant Professor of PracticeView full profile Dr. Haiyang ChaoAssociate ProfessorView full profile Dr. Christopher D DepcikCourtesy Professor Aerospace EngineeringAssociate Professor Mechanical EngineeringView full profile Dr. David DowningProfessor EmeritusView full profile Dr. Mark EwingAssociate ProfessorDirector of the Flight Research LaboratoryView full profile Dr. Saeed FarokhiProfessor EmeritusView full profile Dr. Adam GorrellAssistant Professor of PracticeView full profile Dr. Richard HaleSpahr Professor and ChairAssociate Director of CReSISView full profile Dr. Steve HawleyAdjunct Professor Emeritus and AstronautView full profile Dr. Cheng HuangAssistant ProfessorView full profile Dr. Brian KaplingerAssistant ProfessorView full profile Dr. Shawn KeshmiriSpahr ProfessorView full profile Prof. Chuan-Tau Eddie LanProfessor EmeritusJ. L. Constant Distinguished ProfessorView full profile Dr. Craig McLaughlinAssociate ProfessorView full profile Alan MulallyAdjunct Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering and BusinessView full profile Dr. Bozenna Pasik-DuncanCourtesy Professor Aerospace EngineeringProfessor MathmaticsView full profile Dr. Veera SajjanapuTeaching ProfessorView full profile Dr. Ray TaghaviSharp Professor and Associate ChairView full profile Dr. ZJ WangSpahr ProfessorView full profile Dr. Huixuan WuAdjunct ProfessorView full profile Dr. Zhongquan ZhengAdjunct ProfessorView full profile
Dr. Christopher D DepcikCourtesy Professor Aerospace EngineeringAssociate Professor Mechanical EngineeringView full profile
Dr. Bozenna Pasik-DuncanCourtesy Professor Aerospace EngineeringProfessor MathmaticsView full profile