Dr. Saeed Farokhi

- Professor Emeritus
Contact Info
1530 West 15th Street
Lawrence, KS, KS 66045
Education —
Research —
Current Research Projects
Mixing Enhancement in Scramjet Combustor
Novel Airdata Sensor
Aerodynamics of MW-Class Wind Turbines
Tip Flow Control in Gas Turbines
Research interests:
- Propulsion Systems
- Flow Control
- Renewable Energy: Wind Turbines
Selected Publications —
Vos, R., & Farokhi, S. (2015). Fluid Mechanics and Its Apploications, Volume 110. Introduction to Transonic Aerodynamics, Springer Verlag.
Farokhi, S., Keshmiri, S. S, & Taghavi, R. R (2015). Bio-Inspired Air Data Sensing Probe for High Angles of Attack and Sideslip. In Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Conference AIAA.
Smith, L., & Farokhi, S. (2015). Design Modifications of a Supersonic Wind Tunnel for High Speed Mixing Research of a Novel Injector in a Scramjet Combustor. In Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Conference
Raina, A., Wetzel, K. K, & Farokhi, S. (2015). Modeling and Simulationof a 3-MW Wind Turbine Blade for Determination and Analysis of Flow Characteristics. In Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Conference AIAA.
Farokhi, S. (2014). Global STEM: Opportunities and Challenges. In Proceedings of Leaders in Engineering Conference Doha, Qatar.
Blanco, R. R, & Farokhi, S. (2014). Performance Analysis of an Axial Exhaust Diffuser Downstream of an Unshrouded Turbine. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
Yu, M., Wang, Z. Jian, & Farokhi, S. (2014). Impact of Mean Flow Shear on the Wake Vortical Structure behind Oscillating Airfoils. In Proceeding of 32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference AIAA.
Farokhi, S. (2014). Aircraft Propulsion, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester (UK).