
Propulsion and Power represents a multi-disciplinary system research endeavor that includes such disciplines as physics of fluids, thermodynamics, thermo-chemistry, materials and structures as well as controls. Within this field, the team at KUAE is currently engaged in the following research areas:
- Autonomous Airdata Sensor Measuring Airspeed Magnitude and Direction with Superior Icing Protection
- Research on High Angle-of-Attack Aerodynamics and Stall Warning
- Large Eddy Simulation of Vortex-Dominated Flow Including Film Cooling in Advanced Gas Turbine Engines Using High-Order Methods
- Jet Noise Mitigation in Aircraft Engines through Shear Layer Swirl
- Broadband Noise Mitigation at the Source in Wind Turbines
- Impact of Propulsion-Airframe Integration on Flight Dynamics Characteristics of UAS
- Experimental and Computational Research on Impingement and Film Cooling
- Development of Optical-Based Flow Diagnostic Technology
- Endwall Loss Mitigation in Transonic Fans
- Active Flow Control in Small Core Gas Turbines for High Efficiency and Reduced Fuel Burn
- Flowfield and Noise Simulations in Wind Farm
- Turbine Flow Field Characterization based on Information Theory
- UAS Propulsion Research including validation and verification flight tests.
- Electric Propulsion and Performance Testbed
- Solar Powered UASs
- Shawn Keshmiri (Flight Dynamics and Control, Autopilot and Automatic Control, UAS Flight Test Engineering)
- Ray Taghavi (Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Rocket Propulsion, Flow Control)
- Z.J. Wang (CFD, Adaptive High Order Methods, Large Eddy Simulation, Computational Aero-Acoustics)
- Huixuan Wu (Experimental Fluids, Turbulence and Stochastic Processes, Applied Optics)
- Cheng Huang (Computational Fluid Dynamics)