Dr. Haiyang Chao

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
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Department Phone:
Learned Hall, room #2130
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Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Aerospace Instrumentation, Avionics, Control, Autonomous Aerospace Vehicle
Selected Publications —
Gowravaram, Saket, Haiyang Chao, Andrew L. Molthan, Lori A. Schultz, Jordan R. Bell, Pengzhi Tian, and Harold P. Flanagan. Evaluating the 22nd June 2017 South Dakota Hail Damage Using KHawk UAS: Accuracy Quantification and Cross Validation with Satellite Imagery. Conference Proceedings. 99th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Special Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, 2019.
Tian, Pengzhi, Haiyang Chao, and Huixuan Wu. UAS-Based Wind Estimation Using Sinusoidal Gust Model. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference. AIAA, 2019.
Yan, Chuan, Huazhen Fang, and Haiyang Chao. “Energy-Aware Leader-Follower Tracking Control for Electric-Powered Multi-Agent Systems.” Journal Articles. Control Engineering Practice, September 1, 2018.
Tian, Pengzhi, Haiyang Chao, Harold Flanagan, Steven G. Hagerott, and Yu Gu. “Design and Evaluation of UAV Flow Angle Estimation Filters.” Journal Articles. IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, June 2, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAES.2018.2852359.
Yan, Chuan, Huazhen Fang, and Haiyang Chao. Battery-Aware Time/Range-Extended Leader-Follower Tracking for a Multi-Agent System. Conference Proceedings. American Control Conference, 2018.
Flanagan, Harold, Steven G. Hagerott, and Haiyang Chao. Model Based Roll Controller Tuning and Analysis for Small UAS in Turbulent Environments. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2018.
Gowravaram, Saket, Pengzhi Tian, Harold P. Flanagan, Jacksen Goyer, and Haiyang Chao. UAS-Based Multispectral Remote Sensing and NDVI Calculation for Post Disaster Assessment. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2018.
Tian, Pengzhi, and Haiyang Chao. Model Aided Estimation of Angle of Attack, Sideslip Angle, and 3D Wind without Flow Angle Measurements. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, 2018.
Gowravaram, Saket, Harold Flanagan, Pengzhi Tian, and Haiyang Chao. Prescribed Fire Monitoring Using KHawk Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Infotech Conference, 2018.
Ringkowski, Michael, and Haiyang Chao. State Estimation Using Inertial Optical Flows for a Fixed-Wing UAS. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2017.
Chao, Haiyang, Kevin Brink, and Mikel M. Miller. Collaborative Stereo Vision Based Relative Pose Estimation with Small UAS Formation. Conference Proceedings. ION Pacific PNT Conference, 2017.
Rhudy, Matthew, Yu Gu, Jason Gross, and Haiyang Chao. “Onboard Wind Velocity Estimation Comparison for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.” Journal Articles. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 53, no. 1 (February 2017): 55–66.
Chao, Haiyang, Harold Flanagan, Pengzhi Tian, and Steven Hagerott. Flight Test Investigation of Stall/Spin Detection Techniques for a Flying Wing UAS. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2017.
Tian, Pengzhi, Anpeng He, Haiyang Chao, Zhongquan Charlie Zheng, and Yu Gu. Wake Encounter Simulation and Flight Validation with UAV Close Formation Flight. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, 2017.
Chao, Haiyang, Yu Gu, Jason Gross, Matthew Rhudy, and Marcello Napolitano. “Flight-Test Evaluation of Navigation Information in Wide-Field Optical Flow.” Journal Articles. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 13, no. 11 (October 24, 2016): 419–32. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.I010482.
Gu, Yu, Marcello Napolitano, Jason Gross, Haiyang Chao, ZhongQuan Charlie Zheng, and Matthew Rhudy. “Cooperative Gust Sensing and Suppression for Aircraft Formation Flight, NASA LEARN Project Phase II Final Report.” Reports. NASA Learn Phase II Project Final Report, September 2016.
He, Anpeng, Pengzhi Tian, ZhongQuan Charlie Zheng, Haiyang Chao, and Yu Gu. A Study on Wake Turbulence Encounter during UAV Formation Flight Using Coupled Aerodynamics/Flight Dynamics Simulation. Conference Proceedings. 8th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, AIAA Aviation, 2016. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2016-3439.
Rice, Caleb, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Trenton Larrabee, Srikanth Gururajan, Marcello Napolitano, Tanmay Mandal, and Matthew Rhudy. “Autonomous Close Formation Flight Control with Fixed Wing and Quadrotor Test Beds.” Journal Articles. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2016, no. 9517654 (11, 2016). https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/9517654.
Tian, Pengzhi, Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Steven Hegerott. UAV Flight Test Evaluation of Fusion Algorithms for Estimation of Angle of Attack and Sideslip Angle. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2016.
Rhudy, Matthew, Mario L. Fravolini, Yu Gu, Marcello Napolitano, Sirikanth Gururajan, and Haiyang Chao. “Aircraft Model-Independent Airspeed Estimation without Pitot Tube Measurements.” Journal Articles. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51, no. 3 (June 1, 2015): 1980–95.
Zhang, Ming, Guanghui Wang, Haiyang Chao, and Puchao Wu. Fast and Robust Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, 2015.
Chao, Haiyang, Yu Gu, Pengzhi Tian, Zhongquan Zheng, and Marcello Napolitano. Wake Vortex Detection with UAV Close Formation Flight. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference. AIAA, 2015.
Rhudy, Matthew, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, and Jason Gross. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation Using Wide-Field Optical Flow and Inertial Sensors.” Journal Articles. Journal of Robotics 2015 (March 30, 2015): 251379.
Rhudy, Matthew, Haiyang Chao, and Yu Gu. Wide Field Optical Flow Aided Inertial Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Larrabee, Trenton, Haiyang Chao, Matthew Rhudy, Yu Gu, and Marcello Napolitano. Wind Field Estimation in UAV Formation Flight. Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Rhudy, Matthew, Yu Gu, and Haiyang Chao. Wind Field Velocity and Acceleration Estimation Using a Small UAV. Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Rice, Caleb, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, Trenton Larrabee, Srikanth Gururajan, Marcello Napolitano, Tanmay Mandal, and Matthew Rhudy. Control Performance Analysis for Autonomous Close Formation Flight Experiments. Conference Proceedings, 2014.
Napolitano, Marcello, Haiyang Chao, and Yu Gu. “Cooperative Gust Sensing and Suppression for Aircraft Formation Flight, NASA LEARN Project Phase I Final Report.” Reports. NASA Learn Phase I Project Final Report, February 2014.
Kumar, Tanmay, Yu Gu, Haiyang Chao, and Matthew Rhudy. Flight Data Analysis of Pilot-Induced-Oscillations of a Remotely Controlled Aircraft. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, 2013.
Fravolini, TanmayMario, Srikanth Gururajan, Guido Angelis, Antonio De Moschitta, Haiyang Chao, and Marcello Napolitano. UAV Analytical Redundancy Based Fault Detection of the Airspeed Sensor via Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, 2013.
Rhudy, Matthew, Trenton Larrabee, Haiyang Chao, Yu Gu, and Marcello Napolitano. UAV Attitude, Heading, and Wind Estimation Using GPS/INS and an Air Data System. Conference Proceedings. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, & Control Conference, 2013.
Gururajan, Srik, Mario Fravolini, Haiyang Chao, and Marcello Napolitano. Performance Evaluation of Analytical Redundancy Solutions to Airspeed Sensor Failure Detection and Accommodation for a Small UAV. Conference Proceedings, 2013.
Selected Presentations —
Chao, H. (6/15/2017). State estimation using inertial optical flows for a fixed-wing UAS. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). Miami, FL. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7991376/
Chao, H., Flanagon, H., Tian, P., & Hagerott, S. (1/12/2017). Flight Test Investigation of Stall/Spin Detection Techniques for a Flying-Wing UAS. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference. Grapevine, TX
Chao, H. (12/2/2016). Earth and Environmental Observation Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Research Seminar. Kansas Biological Survey
Chao, H. (10/6/2016). In-situ and Remote Sensing of the Environment Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Geography Department, University of Kansas
Chao, H. (7/21/2016 - 7/21/2016). Collaborative Stereo Vision Sensing with Small UAS Formation. Air Force Research Lab Munition Directorate. Shalimar, FL
Chao, H. (8/20/2015 - 8/20/2015). Towards Collaborative Stereo Vision Sensing with Small UAV Formation. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Visiting Scholar Seminar. Pasadena, CA
Chao, H. (8/21/2015 - 8/21/2015). Towards Cooperative Sensing, Estimation and Control Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems. NASA Armstrong Research Center, Visiting Scholar Seminar. Edward, CA
Chao, H. (6/16/2015 - 6/16/2015). Cooperative Unmanned Systems Lab (CUSL). GE Aviation, Visiting Scholar Seminar. Manhattan, KS
Chao, H., Gu, Y., Tian, P., Zheng, Z. C., & Napolitano, M. (6/22/2015 - 6/22/2015). Wake Vortex Detection with UAV Close Formation Flight. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference. Dallas, Texas
Chao, H. (4/29/2015 - 4/29/2015). Towards Cooperative Sensing, Estimation, and Control Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Department of Math, University of Kansas, Research Seminar. Lawrence, KS
Chao, H. (1/29/2015 - 1/29/2015). Civil Environmental Monitoring Using Small Low-Cost Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Department of Geography, University of Kansas, GEOG 726 Seminar. Lawrence, KS
Chao, H. (12/25/2014 - 12/25/2014). Towards Cooperative Sensing, Estimation and Control Using Networked Unmanned Systems. Electrical Engineering Department, Zhejiang University, Visiting Scholar Seminar. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Larrabee, T., Chao, H., Rhudy, M., Gu, Y., & Napolitano, M. (6/6/2014 - 6/6/2014). Wind field estimation in UAV formation flight. American Control Conference. Portland, OR
Awards & Honors —
Summer Faculty Fellow
Air Force Research Lab
Air Force Research Lab