Required Courses for BS Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Engineering Courses (76 hours)
CourseCourse TitleHours
AE 245Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (Goal 2.2 and 5)3
AE 290Aerospace Colloquium (Goal 5) 2
AE 345Fluid Mechanics 3
AE 360Introduction to Astronautic3
AE 421Aerospace Computer Graphics (Goal 2.2) 3
AE 430Aerospace Instrumentation Lab 3
AE 445Aircraft Aerodynamics & Performance 3
AE 507Aerospace Structures I 3
AE 508Aerospace Structures II3
AE 510Aerospace Materials & Processes (Goal 2.2 and 5)4
AE 521erospace Systems Design I (Goal 5 and 6)4

AE 522 or

AE 523 or

AE 524

Aerospace Systems Design II (Goal 2.2 and 6) 

Spacecraft Design (Goal 2.2 and 6) 

Propulsion System Design (Goal 2.2 and 6)

AE 545Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 4
AE 550Dynamics of Flight I  4
AE 551Dynamics of Flight II4
AE 571Fundamentals of Aircraft Reciprocating Propulsion Systems3
AE 572Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion 3
AE 590Aerospace Senior Seminar (Goal 5) 1
AE 211Computing for Engineers3
CE 301Statics & Dynamics 5
CE 310Strength of Materials 4
ME 312Basic Engineering Thermodynamics 3
EECS 316Circuits 3
EECS 318Circuits Laboratory 1


Science and Mathematics Courses (30 hours)
CourseCourse TitleHours
CHEM150/130Chemistry for Engineers (Goal 3N)5
PHSX 210General Physics I (Goal 1.1)3
PHSX 216General Physics I Laboratory1
PHSX212General Physics II 3
PHSX 236General Physics II Laboratory1
MATH 125Calculus I (Goal 1.2) 4
MATH 126Calculus II 4
MATH 127Calculus III4
MATH 220Differential Equations 3
MATH 290Linear Algebra 2

Other Required and Elective Courses (27 hours) KU Core Electives (Goals 2.1 (x2), 3H, ECON, 4.1 and 4.2) Technical Electives. Grand Total of 133 hours.