Two AE students working on a project.

Graduate Course Schedule Examples

Example M.S. thesis course schedule-Emphasis in Aircraft Control 

Example M.S. thesis course schedule-Emphasis in Aircraft Control 
AE 750DepthOptimal Control3S1
EECS 639DepthIntro into Scientific Computing3S1
AE 690CoreProfessional Development Graduate Studies.25S1
AE 700BreadthSmall UAV Structural Design and Testing3S1
AE 771Breadth Rocket Propulsion3S2
ME 788DepthOptimal Estimation3S2
EECS 738DepthMachine Learning3S2
AE 895DepthM.S. Thesis3S3
MATH 605DepthLinear Regression3S3
AE 895DepthM.S. Thesis3S4
ME 890DepthSpecial Topics: Model Predictive Control3S4
  Total Hours30.25

Example M.E. course schedule-Emphasis in Structures 

Example M.E. course schedule-Emphasis in Structures 
CourseTypeTitleHoursTerm #
AE705Depth Structural Vibrations and Model Testing 41
AE722Breadth Aircraft Design Laboratory 41
AE690CoreProfessional Development Graduate Studies .251
AE727BreadthAircraft Antenna Systems32
AE709DepthStructural Composites32
AE712BreadthTechniques of Engineering Evaluation32
AE725DepthNumerical Optimization and Structural Designs33
AE700DepthStructural Design of Small UAS33
EMGT801BreadthManagement Thr&Pr for Eng Mngrs33
MATH590BreadthLinear Algebra34
EMGT765Breadth Leadership Tech. and Methods for the Eng. Manager34
  Total Hours32.25 

Example PhD Course Schedule-Emphasis in Aerodynamics 

Example PhD Course Schedule-Emphasis in Aerodynamics 
CourseTypeTitleHoursTerm #
MATH 647CoreApplied Partial Differential Equations31
MATH 648CoreCalculus of Variations and Integral Equations31
AE 712CoreTechniques of Engineering Evaluation31
MATH 881DepthAdvanced Numerical Linear Algebra32
AE 765Breadth Orbital Mechanics31
AE 743Depth Compressible Aerodynamics32
AE 771Breadth Rocket Propulsion33
AE 690ElectiveProfessional Development for Graduate Students.253
AE 746Depth Computational Fluid Dynamics34
AE 768BreadthOrbit Determination34
EECS 700DepthSimulation Modeling34
AE 846DepthAdvanced Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer35
EECS 739Depth Scientific Parallel Computing35
AE 996Research Ph.D. Dissertation66
AE 690ElectivePersonal Development for Graduate Students.257
AE 996Research Ph.D. Dissertation 67
AE 996ResearchPh.D. Dissertation 68
AE 996Research Ph.D. Dissertation 69
AE 996ResearchPh.D. Dissertation 610
  Total Hours66.5 

Example DE Schedule-Emphasis in Spacecraft Design 

Example DE Schedule-Emphasis in Spacecraft Design 
CourseTypeTitleHoursTerm #
AE 690 UndefinedProfessional Development Graduate Studies.251
AE 727BreadthAircraft Antenna Systems31
AE 767Breadth Spacecraft Environments31
AE 765BreadthOrbital Mechanics32
ME 836ElectiveHybrid and Electric Vehicles32
AE 709Breadth Structural Composites33
AE 768Breadth Orbit Determination 33
MATH 628CoreMathematical Theory of Statistics34
EMGT 814DepthLeadership Techniques and Methods for Eng. Managers34
AE 790Breadth Space Exploration Mission Design35
MGMT 706DepthManaging People35
MATH 647CoreApplied Differential Equations36
AE 690UndefinedProfessional Development for Graduate Studies.256
AE 712CoreTechniques of Engineering Managers37
EMGT 824DepthProduct Marketing for Engineering Managers37
MGMT 719DepthStrategic Management 37
AE 997ResearchDE Research 88
AE 997ResearchDE Research 29
AE 997ResearchDE Research 610
AE 997ResearchDE Research 811
  Total Hours:66.5